WordPress database error: [Incorrect DATETIME value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00']
SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS `year`, MONTH(post_date) AS `month`, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date < '2024-05-12 05:14:40' AND post_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC



01. The 24 hours of bachelorhood

Filed under: Both of Us — sunshine at 2:51 am on Saturday, September 30, 2006

This is it. Already gone.

At 9AM, I spent the last 24th hour teaching the kids at college.

Well, the rest of the day was so much of a rush, but the only time calm was when I was in front of the Altar, receiving and giving Light. *smile*

Well, I think I’m ready. I’ve got to go to bed.

“Forward… March!”

02. Thursday is away!!!

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 11:49 pm on Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gosh, Thursday has come and gone.

I’m sitting down here typing… with a pile of ang pow for the family members. Now I know how much I need for new year.

Talk about big family… my dad comes from a family of six boys and two girls. Chin Jin’s dad comes from a family of eleven siblings. Then mum’s… (I’ll stop here… I still want to sleep tonight)

Well, today was a rushed job… I got up at 6am to send my car for service, and then worked frantically to try to finalise the dinner seating and at 10:45am to the hotel to meet the piano tuning guy. While he was tuning the piano, Chin Jin and I had brunch and worked some more on the dinner seating arrangements.

Soon, at about 12:30, he was done and we paid him. Apparently, he is also tuning the piano for Michael Wong’s concert. We had the cheek to ask if he had any connections to get tickets… no such luck.

Anyway, we were soon off, back to my studio. Worked on the wedding ceremony programme and went on the print it out. I rushed back to get somethings printed at the print center, and met my dad, who found that the wood shop had already closed for the day. So we went together to try our luck in Taman Melawati. In the end, I bought some mounting board. I spent 2 hours reinforcing the board with engineering techniques learnt from physics class (material physics) and I think I did a pretty good job.

“They should have consulted me for the MRR2 project,” I joked with my dad. Coincidentally, the TV was airing a NGC(National Geographic Channel) programme on construction in Japan. *raise eyebrows*

Anyway, I also learnt that Ang Pows are given in pairs. Some Chinese meaning of always being a pair (husband and wife). So there, I had to double my output… I wish I knew this earlier. I had the impression that we both gave ONE out to everyone. Well, we all learn things all the time. It’s not too late. I dug out my cache of old but crisp bank notes. Now that wad of cash is kind of thin… *smile*

It’s 10 minutes to 12. I havent written my speech… ahhh… no more time already. Well, just one more day of bachelorhood. The question remains, - “Would I freak out?”

For now, I think not.

03. Wednesday, panic sets in…

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 1:28 pm on Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Gosh, I’m sweating in an air-conditioned room. This is panic.

Things to do:

  1. Cut my hair
  2. Buy the plywood pieces
  3. Polish my shoes
  4. Prepare the redpacket money in small change
  5. Recheck the table and seating arrangments

Things already done today:

  1. Confirmed with the hotel
  2. Got the arrangements for the stage and floor plan
  3. Borrowed the chair covers, with ribbons and table cloths
  4. Mailed the map to my house to the person preparing the car decorations
  5. Made and entry to this blog…(as promised)

Now back to work!

04. Tuesday already.

Filed under: Both of Us — sunshine at 4:01 pm on Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday is here. I’m lecturing today. Lots to do too.

  1. Pay the company’s bills,
  2. Call the hotel to confirm total number of tables and other things like piano tuning, delivery of drinks etc.
  3. Prepare wedding ceremony programme
  4. Buy the plywood for the ceremony.

I went to finish 1 and 2.

But I did not have time to do the rest and still lots of unfinished work. Client is waiting to pay me, but so hard to find the time to go and collect the cash. Ha! Ever had that problem? Well, I do. I suppose I have to have a paradigm shift in the way I view money. I’d rather it didn’t exist. I suppose I’m too idealistic.

Since I did not have time to finish the work, I had almost no time to eat (lunch) too. I fueled my car and bought McDonalds and ate on the way to work. Yes, I am teaching in college today. Just one class as a guest lecturer.

So I was driving a little slower because I was trying to eat the burger with one hand and steer with the other. Almost ate the burger’s paper wrappings. Yes, almost like talking on the phone, but eating, I can kinda let my mouth do the chewing and swallow without having as much distraction as talking.

Now, to attend to ending the class. It’s already extended a bit.

05! Monday is here… and going.

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 3:24 pm on Monday, September 25, 2006

Wow. It’s Monday already.

So what do I have to do today? Well, for starters, I have to be at home in the afternoon, to
prepare the bed. Then Chin Jin is bringing some things over… like the spitbowl (tam tung).

Here she comes…

More later. Busy day.

06. Part Two - quiz time

Filed under: Both of Us — sunshine at 11:11 pm on Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ever wondered what that logo means?


Well, here is your chance to take part in our quiz! One lucky person will win a special treat from me and Jin if you can correctly figure out the meaning of the logo.

The final decision of the winner lies with us though.

Go ahead. Try it. Good luck.

Terms and Conditions:
Blah…blah… blah… no immediate family member… is entitled to any prize…. yadda yadda…

06! Sunday is the best day.

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 10:59 pm on Sunday, September 24, 2006

Okay, less than a week now. And the day went by so quickly. I wonder if the honeymoon is going to be as quick…

Monday is only a few hours away. So what happened today?

Well, there was the miko girls practice this morning. Since I had some semi-official duties to perform in Klang, I left Chin Jin to attend to this.

Looks good so far. I unwrapped the mattress and tomorrow the bedsheet and quilt goes on it. Also, I need to prepare an Ang Pow for my parents for this duty they have to perform - preparing the matrimonial bed.

Chin Jin will be coming tomorrow to deliver some goods for the Chinese ceremony. A spit-bowl (Tam Tung) is part of that I think…

Well, I’ve got to rest now. It’s been a long daaaay. I look forward to tomorrow.

07. Seven days in a week…

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 10:51 pm on Saturday, September 23, 2006

It’s Saturday. Exactly one week to the big day. So what did I do?

Morning, I woke up a little late. Later than I intended. I intended to take a drive with Dad to Klang Gates big dam to look at the big body of water and hopefully catch a beautiful sunrise. Well, I woke up too late, at 7:30AM. So I went alone and found the place to be a private land managed by a private company. So happens that it is a restricted area. After chatting with the policeman stationed there to ward off trespassers, I decided to try to do a quick hike up the path I saw earlier. I hoped that the path would lead me to a high ground where I could spy on the beautiful place. However, I was so disappointed to find that there were a bunch of illegal houses built with guard dogs. Anyway, I walked as far as the path took me, and found no such clearing, nor high enough a ground. So I took some pictures of the mountains instead and head back to my car.

I reached home at about 8:30AM. I had my bath and breakfast and waited for Chin Jin to come over to get me. Our next stop was at Volvo’s showroom along Jalan Ampang. Nope, we were not looking to buy a Volvo for our family car… We were going to see her former art teacher and his work was being showcased in the showroom! Yes, artist Yap Kim Boon, famous for his haleconias and painting using bamboo. His artwork so very vibrant and life was leaping out. So was his passion for life when speaking about his art and how he made it this far as a fine artist.

Then we had lunch at Great Eastern mall before going back to my place to work out the guest list once more. Yep, Kwok Yan called to reconfirm his attendance. Nice of him.

We finished at about 4PM and headed out again to See Ling’s ThumbArt studio for our group fellowship meeting and then to Damansara Jaya for dinner with Chin Jin’s relatives.

The dinner was great and I got to meet her uncles and aunts from all over the world. Nice and funny people. I had a great time and such a pleasant evening.

So, there, the last saturday as a bachelor, spent meeting the in-laws relatives. *smile*

08. Part Two

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 10:52 pm on Friday, September 22, 2006

Ha! I just got a text message from Eathan. It seems that the new studio furniture has arrived! Yay! I’m going to enjoy working in the studio more and more now. It may be simple furniture, just a chair and two drawer units, but these few humble pieces of furniture make me happy! Just like being able to eat simple meals like ‘siu yook‘ (roast pork) just so yummy!

08. Lucky number Eight?

Filed under: Groom's — sunshine at 2:40 pm on Friday, September 22, 2006

Had a hard time waking up this morning. I slept pretty late, and I was quite tired. Since I had several things to do, I pushed myself to stay awake to do it last night, or should I say, early this morning.

The morning was so dark that I did not notice the time. I suppose I am genuinely tired. The curtain windows were drawn so the light didn’t come throught all that well. A dark room makes it nice and sleepy.

I did rush, and passed the toll gates with a little problem, my MyKad did not work for the Touch’n'Go… for some reason. I thought it would have saved me time, but it made it worse. Sorry to those lining up behind me, not my fault, blame it on their system. I still have money in my MyKad.

Just a little off-side rambling:- I still can’t believe how many drivers out there who either don’t know or care about safe distance. In case you didn’t know, the safe distance between 2 cars is 2-seconds.

Yes, if you are travelling at 36km/h, you’ll travel 10m/s (10 meters per seconds). A car going at 72km/h (20m/s) will cover 40 meters in 2 seconds.

36km/h = 36,000m/60×60s

= 10m/s
(every second of travel at 36km/h will cover 10 meters)

If there was a need for an emergency immediate braking, then the time to lift your foot from the brake is still counted… And these guys are going at 110km/h and less than 5 meters from my car. Stay away from me!


Got to work and started really great. Lunch was fast and I managed to eat cheaply. That’s important. Then Mum called and the bed has arrived. I sure like to see it soon. I hope they fix it up nicely. I wonder if my cousin Sean would understand that the bed is not to be slept/sat/touched until it has been rolled on by a young ‘virgin’ boy of the family. Looks like I have to place a “Please Do Not Touch” sign on the bed before he arrives.

Suk Keong is due to arrive on Monday afternoon. I’ll go pick him up.

Now to go back to my work.

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