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04. Tuesday already.

Filed under: Both of Us — sunshine at 4:01 pm on Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday is here. I’m lecturing today. Lots to do too.

  1. Pay the company’s bills,
  2. Call the hotel to confirm total number of tables and other things like piano tuning, delivery of drinks etc.
  3. Prepare wedding ceremony programme
  4. Buy the plywood for the ceremony.

I went to finish 1 and 2.

But I did not have time to do the rest and still lots of unfinished work. Client is waiting to pay me, but so hard to find the time to go and collect the cash. Ha! Ever had that problem? Well, I do. I suppose I have to have a paradigm shift in the way I view money. I’d rather it didn’t exist. I suppose I’m too idealistic.

Since I did not have time to finish the work, I had almost no time to eat (lunch) too. I fueled my car and bought McDonalds and ate on the way to work. Yes, I am teaching in college today. Just one class as a guest lecturer.

So I was driving a little slower because I was trying to eat the burger with one hand and steer with the other. Almost ate the burger’s paper wrappings. Yes, almost like talking on the phone, but eating, I can kinda let my mouth do the chewing and swallow without having as much distraction as talking.

Now, to attend to ending the class. It’s already extended a bit.

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