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The Andaman

Filed under: Bride's — sunshine at 12:26 pm on Saturday, October 7, 2006

Greetings from The Andaman, Langkawi! It has come the the end of our honeymoon! Boo hoo :““( But it has been simply superb! The place is incredibly beautiful and close to nature. The sun, sea, rainforests, impeccable service and of course, Michael’s new found friends, the crabs! Lots of them! (He spent more time catching and examining them than he did anything else!) No wonder he can be so full of c!@# at times. *smile* Everything went well, the weather was kind to us and we got to enjoy lots of sunshine before it poured yesterday night. The food has been memorable too. The first night, we went to Barn Thai, a Thai restaurant in the mangrove swamp. Very romantic indeed. The second night, we decided to save some money, and bought buka puasa juadah for dinner instead. We enjoyed the simple food while watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (a movie we missed). And yesterday night was a blast! We had steamboat with lots and lots of fresh seafood! It was really a new sight watching Michael gobble down so much crab, prawns and his favourite- the sea cucumber. *smile* Ok, I’ve done the food bit, let’s hear it from the groom…I mean, the male.

1 Comment


Comment by Michael Goh

October 7, 2006 @ 12:28 pm

Hoi… sea cucumber is not my favourite. I actually don’t like it.
But the crabs were so fascinating. *smile*

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